
Wow - here I am, I've just created this blog, my first, ready to tell the story of Chantelle, our beautiful 1963 Bedford Marshall bus that is going to take us on some wonderful adventures. I'm going to write this for fun, for all those people whose eyes lit up when we told them about her, and for anyone else wanting to do the same thing, so we can share what we find out. And maybe because just because I'm so excited about the whole thing !

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Work in Progress

Woke up and cooked a great breakfast, which we ate outside, lovely. Then, set to work to fit the new seat. Life was sweet, and the current one we reversed, and reused the holes, so only had to drill 4 new ones. We did a bit of experimenting, and got just the right space, with a nice gap behind the seat for storage. Took about 30 mins, all to the soothing accompanyment of the guitar from the tent next door. It really looks fab now.

The beds worked really well, we all had the best nights sleep we've ever had at a festival.


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